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July 16, 2010
This diary starts on a nice, kind of sunny day during a Thinnox Summer Camp. My dream of making a website about myself started from this place. I sat in front of a computer, typed in codes that felt weird to my hands because I never typed them before, and here is the result! Being an ordinary 11 year old girl, maybe there isn't a lot of interesting stuff you can read in this diary. But I needed a place to write all my things, because I just cannot get the habit of writing in my paper diary because first, I lose the notebook, and second, I lose my pens too.
I am excited because soon I will go to Banff, though I went there before. If you don't know what Banff is, Banff is a bunch of pretty mountains located in Vancouver. If you aren't happy with my description, just go on the internet and see. It's a really good place to visit, with lots of museums and beautiful lakes! Trail maniacs should go there, and though I am not particularly excellent at trails, my family is planning to walk at least one very short one. I'll try to update on our trip to Banff as soon as possible.
Maybe you will think I am a really weird person that takes care of Garden Snails. Yes, most people will cringe at the sight of a small, slimey snail. However, I think that my snails are cuter than my goldfish. That's probably because they can interact with me. They crawl all over me, and they're not even afriad of me! This makes me love garden snails even more!
I know a lot about goldfish though, because my goldfish kept on getting sick and I researched all about them on the internet. So if you have any questions, check my Q and A at the Other Pets page under Goldfish, and see if one of your questions if under it. I will update that Q and A as often as I can, when I have more answers to questions that are most oftenly asked by goldfish owners. I have a few Q and A for bettas too, but I don't know as much about bettas as goldfish.
After finishing the camp, I will try to buy the website software as fast as I can, but I will probably not be able to update my diary until I install the software and get used to it, which might even take a month! So don't be surprised if one entry in in July and suddenly the next is in late August!
My dad is currently on a buisness trip right now, so I am by myself with my mom at home. It is lonely, but you get used to it after a while. I see my brother like 1/1000 of how much I see my father who is often away. I see my brother once every holiday. It's so hard to meet him because he lives in California, which is 3 hours away from here! Every time we meet we're kind of distant, but then we get used to each other, and when we're VERY used to each other he always goes back home. Or we go back home. Either way, it's sad. I love both my brother and his girlfriend so much! I'm going to Banff with them (and my parents) soon!
This is all I have to say for today. Thinnox is awesome, and I love making these websites! I guess it's in my blood. My dad does computer stuff, and my brother's a software engineer. However, my website isn't really good yet, but I'm sure if I practice and practice again, it will get better. Good-bye, and I'll write another diary entry as soon as I can!
Jul 19, 2010
There's nothing much happening to me these days.... I am continuing to work on my webpage. Just twitching it around here and there, working with the color scheme. It's really just a normal computer camp day. I do like the color green best, though some people suggest to use another color.... I am thinking about that.... But I will probably stick with green. The color just kind of soothes me.
I am getting more agitated as my trip to Banff comes closer...and closer...and closer! We're going to meet an athlete that actually competed in the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics-I think her genre was Cross-Country Skiing. I forgot her name right now, and I'm nervous because I never met famous people before.... My nervous rate is turned up to 100% and I am screaming a million questions to myself in my mind: What should I wear? How should I act? Do I need to talk to her a lot? Should I just stay quiet? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! And then I overload my brain and I stop thinking about it. So far, my plan is this: Suzy, just say hi when you see her and then order the food from your menu calmly and then eat as pretty as you can and don't speak too much unless she speaks to you first and say goodbye. That's the worst plan I ever made, but you know what, my brain is too overloaded to know that the above plan is all nonsense anyway. Maybe this paragraph does not make sense to you, and I don't blame you for that, because I am trying to be as honest as I can with what is going on in my brain, and my brain is not really the most simplest object in the world.
My stomach is grumbling with hunger. I did bring my lunch, and there IS a bit of sushi left in it, but I can't eat it. There is a reason for this. So at lunch, I ate most of my sushi, and left a bit, and then put it back into my zipper-lunchbox. Then I absent-mindedly zipped the zipper close, and then the zipper thing(If I called it a wrong name, I am sorry, but you know that part that you pull to zip the zipper up?) just ripped off. So the zipper thing that I need to open the zipper again fell off, and the zipper is tightly closed, and I don't really want to get a pair of scissor sand cut through the lunchbox to open it yet. Well, eventually I'll have to do it, because I don't want my sushi to rot inside the lunchbox. Gladly, this lunchbox was the cheapest lunchbox I ever got. You know those little Chinese stores? I got this from there at like a few dollars. Wow. I should've stopped using it when I noticed long, thin white strings ripping off the fabric. I longingly stare at the lunchbox with the last few pieces of sushi in it. I keep on thinking to myself: Oh, Suzy, why did you close that zipper? but it has already happened, and nothing can reverse the mistake I made. Think before you do something, everybody!
Umm, like, seriously, my goldfish are getting WAY too fat. And when I mean fat, I mean fat fat fat fat FAT. I noticed that some of my goldfish tip towards their bellies when they hover in the water, like a fish seesaw. They struggle to be aligned perfectly horizontal again, but then their bodies tip towards the heaviest end, and they are frustrated and just start to swim around. I tried to fast them for one day, but when I went in front of the goldfish tank they all came to my side and started pushing their mouths to the surface of the water, anticipating yummy (?) goldfish flakes. I felt so bad that I gave them some flakes. Then they came up to me again, still feeling hungry, so I gave them another pinch. Then when I was not looking, my mother came along and gave them another pinch-that-is-too-big-to-really-be-a-pinch, and then gave another one of those huge pinches. Then, my dad (he wasn't on a buisness trip that day)came along and fed the goldfish generous amounts of flakes, though not as much as mom. Wonderful fasting day, huh? You can see why fasting days just never work out. We feed them about ten thousand times per day, and though I said that you need to start feeding your goldfish less to get them less fat in the Goldfish Q and A section, I myself am having a bit of a hard time doing that. Click here to go to my Goldfish section.
My head hurts (Yes, I know that was the randomest thing to say, but my head IS hurting a bit right now, and I am frustrated).
Well, that's all I need to say for today. I have run out of ideas. I will try to write my next diary entry as soon as I can! =)
July 20, 2010
I'm still making this webpage. Yeah...... Gladly, there are lots of break times, so I can walk around or stretch my legs and just relax and read during that time.
I'm on page 41 of a book called "Beautiful Creatures" by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl. It's actually pretty good so far! I never read a lot of books that had two authors before. It's a fantasy book, and all I know so far that there is a guy called Ethan and that he is dreaming of this mysterious girl and that girl suddenly appears at their school-for real-like magic! Ta-da! I think the story's going to be really fun!
My bettas are still making their bubble nest.... Click here to go to my Betta page (it's under the goldfish part).